Kancelaria Bird & Bird po raz kolejny rekomendowana w rankingu The Legal 500 EMEA 2024

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że warszawskie biuro kancelarii Bird & Bird zostało kolejny rok z rzędu wyróżnione przez międzynarodowy ranking The Legal 500 EMEA.

W tegorocznej edycji rankingu otrzymaliśmy rekomendacje aż w dziewięciu dziedzinach prawa: ochrona prywatności i danych osobowych (Tier 1), własność intelektualna (Tier 1), TMT (Tier 1), bankowość i finanse (Tier 2), prawo pracy (Tier 2), zamówienia publiczne (Tier 2), doradztwo korporacyjne oraz M&A (Tier 3), przestępstwa gospodarcze dotyczące tzw. białych kołnierzyków (Tier 4), rozwiązywanie sporów (Tier 4).

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Ochrona danych osobowych i prywatności

‘They were proactive, intuitive, friendly, flexible with scope, adaptable and a pleasure to deal with. Their technological solution for the project we worked on, although built on the same basic software as the consultancy firm’s tool, was streets ahead. The ease of raising and dealing with queries and the interface were second-to-none.’

‘I have been working in the field of personal data protection for over 10 years and I can say with full confidence that the Bird & Bird team is one of the best on the Polish market. The team is distinguished by deep knowledge not only of law, but also business knowledge, allowing their clients to properly assess risk. They guide in-house counsel by indicating which risks are high and which may be potentially acceptable.’

‘We collaborate with B&B on personal data privacy matters. We get excellent support also when the timing is very limited and the matter relates to several jurisdictions. I appreciate not only the technical competence and timely responsiveness but also the very easy and to the point communication, as well as the effort made by our advisors to understand our business.’

Własność intelektualna

‘All members of the team perfectly understand the needs of businesses – extremely rare among IP legal teams, but extremely valuable!’

‘Marta Koremba – the best IP lawyer one could ever wish for! Business-oriented, goal-focused, always offering made-to-measure solutions. Katarzyna Bieliszczuk – great orientation to detail while keeping in mind the global goal of the client.’

‘I very much appreciate the great merit but also business commitment of Mateusz Żuk. Despite a difficult dispute, he brings calm and his knowledge allows us to achieve the goal.’

Technologie, media i telekomunikacja

‘The cooperation with Bird & Bird is unique because the lawyers with whom I work know the business of our company very well.’

‘Very competent team in IT law and concrete applications, both in Poland and on an international level. They offer a big range of services, without being limited only to the compliance and legal dimension, but even exploring strategies of product and market positioning.’

‘Unmatched expertise. Bird & Bird boasts a team of highly skilled and specialised lawyers who excel in a wide range of legal areas, focusing on IT and new technologies. Their collective expertise spans from intellectual property and technology law to corporate and commercial law, providing clients with comprehensive legal solutions under one roof.’

Finansowania i regulacje finansowe

‘Bird & Bird is excellent in collaboration, takes the initiative and speeds up processes.’

‘I mostly cooperate with Marta Stanisławska. What I mainly appreciate is the quick feedback and the wide range of knowledge in terms of banking law.’

Prawo pracy

‘The team is really good, for me the most important thing is finding a proper but also flexible solution to all issues we have. I like the professional approach but also kindness and a lot of understanding given by the team. Great job!’

‘Outstanding support during our cooperation – the practitioners within this firm showed outstanding support, heart and empathy durng this time.’

Zamówienia publiczne

‘I was working with Tomasz Zalewski – highly professional specialist in public tenders. Working with him is highly appreciated after four years of cooperation.’

Prawo korporacyjne oraz fuzje i przejęcia

‘A professional, committed and always available team, well informed about the latest legal issues and upcoming changes in legislation, open and creative when solving legal problems, and very thorough when explaining legal complexities.’

‘The commercial, corporate and M&A practice of Bird & Bird Poland stands out by its quality of work (which is high), speed of work (which is good), and intelligence in dialogue with us as a client.’

Rozwiązywanie sporów

‘I have never experienced such incredible diligence on the one hand, but to-the-point advice on the other hand as with Bird & Bird Poland. They guide you through the jungle of legal proceedings in front of Polish courts without overlooking any detail which can be of relevance.’

‘Exceptionally high professionalism and quality of service, very high responsiveness, business oriented, know the sector, reliable and trustworthy.’

‘Quick availability, very good knowledge of procedures, excellent legal language and logical thinking.’


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