Employment & the EU: Tackling compliance in a changing regulatory environment

The global employment landscape continues to evolve against the backdrop of a change in government in the US, a fast-moving EU legislative agenda and substantial employment law reforms in the UK. Given the increasing number of regulations and directives emanating from the EU, many employers with a global workforce will be impacted by these developments and compliance has once again emerged at a key priority for HR and in-house employment teams alike.

Our International Employment experts join together to deep dive into the legal and practical aspects of the EU Pay Transparency Directive as well as considering the impact of other upcoming EU Directives and reflecting on those that have already been implemented. In light of developments in the US, they will also provide critical insights on the direction of travel for DEI outside of the US, alongside practical tips on how legal technology can help companies prepare for some of the upcoming compliance challenges ahead.

Join our international team in the London office on Wednesday 30 April 2025 for this half-day event.


08:30 - 09:00  Registration, Breakfast and Networking 
09:00 - 09:30 

Fireside Chat - An introduction to the current employment regulatory landscape in Europe and a look at upcoming legislative priorities in the EU

Pieter De Koster & Furat Ashraf 

09:30 - 10:30 

EU Pay Transparency Directive: A session looking at practical approaches for managing compliance, the empowered role of the unions / works councils, the anticipated areas of difficulty in transposing key requirements and a look ahead at draft implementing legislation

Cecilia Lahaye, Pieter De Koster, Barbara Geck, Jorge Sanz, Chris Ivey, Dasha Arntyr & Susan Battye 

10:30 - 10:45  Break 
10:45 - 11:30  Breakout sessions 1

Topic 1: Upcoming EU Directives: A brief look at the employment aspects of the CSRD & CS3D, the right to disconnect as an EU-wide right and an update on the EWC Directive
Anton Aerts, Jorge Sanz, Chris Ivey & Pieter De Koster

Topic 2: The future of DEI in Europe: In light of recent political shifts, we consider whether and how DEI initiatives in the UK and the EU are likely to change going forward
Furat Ashraf & Dasha Arntyr 
11:30 - 11:45  Break 
11:45 - 12:30  Breakout sessions 2

Topic 3: Legal tech for employment lawyers: A review of best practice and new tools (including Legora) when managing compliance at scale 
Emily Clark, Hélder Santos & James Senior

Topic 4: Workplace Investigations: A look back at the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive and how to approach employee investigations in Europe in light of these changes
Alison Dixon & Karolina Stawicka  
12:30 - 12:45 

Wrap up – key takeaways from break-out sessions and a look to the future 




Bird & Bird London
12 New Fetter Lane

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