Data mining, AI and Media: A brave new world?

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richard mcmorris module
Richard McMorris


I work across multiple sectors with organisations using data, content and technology. I have particular expertise in the exploitation of content and data in the media and sports industries. Alongside deep technical expertise, I offer clients insight on business and strategic issues, particularly for entrepreneurial, high-growth, internationalising businesses.

As the real world continues to take surreal twists and turns, our imaginations have been captured by something seemingly not-of-this-world: artificial intelligence (AI).

The mainstream press has become preoccupied, asking whether we should tax AI? Can we hold AIs to ethical standards? Is AI racist/sexist/leading us into a Kafkaesque future? What does AI mean for the future of work and social equality? And, inevitably, will AI take our jobs and turn on us?

Read the full article here >

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