On January 22, 2025, the new European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste (EU 2025/40) ("Packaging Regulation") was published in the Official Journal of the EU. This regulation will replace the previous Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC from August 12, 2026.
The Packaging Regulation will have a significant impact on a large number of companies, as it affects manufacturers and importers, as well as distributors and fulfilment service providers who supply packaging or packaged products in the EU or who are involved in their recycling. It contains requirements relating to the sustainable design and labelling of packaging, sets binding re-use targets and refill obligations, introduces deposit systems and bans certain packaging formats.
With a few exceptions, the new provisions will apply from August 12, 2026. As they will have a complex impact on business processes and the supply chain, companies should familiarise themselves with the requirements of the regulation as soon as possible. In this Client Alert, we provide you with an overview of the most important content and effects of this important piece of legislation.