About Me

I advise on matters of IT law, data law and copyright law. A particular focus is on advising on European legislation, such as the Data Act and the AI Act.

As an associate in our Technology & Communications Practice Group and Commercial Sector Group in the Hamburg office, I focus on contractual matters. I advise clients on digitalisation and complex IT and outsourcing projects. I also draft software development and software licence agreements as well as data use and data licence agreements. In this context, I also assist companies with the implementation of the EU Data Act and the AI Act.

As an author of legal commentaries (in publication), I have extensively dealt with the Data Act (data sharing obligations, technical protection measures) and the AI Act (requirements for high-risk AI systems, risk management system, human oversight). I regularly give lectures on current IT and data law issues to legal professionals and companies. I also have published numerous articles in legal journals on data law and artificial intelligence. I furthermore write the column 'Navigate Digital Regulation' in the maritime magazine Schiff&Hafen.

I started working as a lawyer in 2023.
  • Advising an insurance group on drafting and negotiating intra-group outsourcing agreements in compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Comprehensive advice to an AI-first company in relation to property financing.


  • Studied law in Hamburg (Bucerius Law School), Germany, and Brisbane (University of Queensland), Australia.
  • Doctoral thesis on the topic 'Der Schiffszusammenstoß unter Beteiligung autonom fahrender Schiffe' (Collisions involving autonomous vessels).
  • Legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main in Marburg (Hesse) with stations in Munich.


  • Admitted to the bar as of 2023 (Hamburg).

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