About Me

I work as a senior associate in our international Privacy & Data Protection Group.

In data protection, I have assisted clients with their GDPR compliance initiatives in various sectors, including retail, life sciences, media, entertainment and sport. This work has involved undertaking audits, preparing readiness assessments, and drafting deliverables such as privacy notices, records of processing activities, and internal policies. One of these projects was an opportunity to experience coordinating large international compliance program through the twoBirds Access solution, which improved the communication between the client and our different teams across the globe.

Additionally, I regularly advise on ad hoc data protection and ePrivacy issues, including lawful bases of processing, consent collection, eMarketing, and data subjects' rights.

I also advise our clients on their IP/IT issues, from copyright on software to SaaS contracts. Acting in an advisory capacity, I have experience of a range of contract negotiations. In the automotive sector, I assist clients on on-board solutions for connected vehicles or low-energy consumption engine technologies license rights. In life sciences and healthcare, I have been able to work on contracts to host applications and medical platforms or in the negotiation of licensing rights on medical devices. More broadly, I advise on traditional IT projects and have assisted many computer services companies on their different contracts: cloud, outsourcing, and maintenance.


  • Ecole des Avocats de la Région Rhône-Alpes
  • CEIPI - Université de Strasbourg, Master 2, Droit du multimédia et des systèmes d'information


  • Lyon Bar Association in 2015

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