
Have any regulations or guidelines already been implemented?

Yes. Law 7/2022, of April 8, on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a Circular Economy but rules concerning the extended liability of textile producers are not yet in force.

Is there any upcoming relevant legislation or guidelines? 

What is the timeline for implementation?

Law 7/2022 established a timeline for implementation of the following:

1. To facilitate the preparations for reuse and high-quality recycling, an obligation is established to implement separate collection of textiles by 31/12/2024.

2. A period of three years from the publication of this Law (before April 2025), the regulatory development of Extended Producer Responsibility schemes for textile products is also foreseen to be implemented.

What are the general rules?

1.This law establishes measures specifically aimed at the textile sector, which should boost its circularity, such as encouraging reusing through donations and implementation of systems that promote repair and reuse activities for textiles (Article 18.1.d).

2.The prohibition of destroying or disposing of unsold surplus of non-perishable products such as textiles, and to destine them to reuse channels, and when this is not possible, to repair for reuse (Article 18.2).

3.To facilitate the preparations for reuse and high-quality recycling, an obligation is established to implement separate collection of textiles by 31/12/2024 (Article 25.2.c).

4.In relation to the obligations of collection, transport and treatment of textile waste, contracts reserved for Public Administrations are established. At least 50% of the awarding amount must be the object of contracts reserved for Insertion Companies and Special Employment Centers of social initiative authorized for the treatment of waste (Nineteenth additional provision of the Law).

5.The regulatory development of Extended Producer Responsibility schemes for textile products is also foreseen to be implemented before April 2025 (Seventh final provision of the Law).

What are the products involved?

The law refers to textile products but does not specify which ones.

What are the enforcement measures and sanctions in case of violation?

There are no enforcement measures and sanctions introduced for the producers of textile waste.
Depending on the impact of the waste, whether the waste is hazardous and if it affects human health and the environment, the corresponding sanctions are currently as follow:

a) Very serious infringements: €100,001 - 3,500,000.

b) Serious infringements: €2,001 and 100,000.

c) Minor infringement: up to € 2,000.

Which are the responsible authorities or bodies?

The responsible authority is the Local Administrations under the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Article 111).