R.E.N.T.R.I. – id est in Italian “Registro Elettronico Nazionale per la Tracciabilità dei Rifiuti” (National Electronic Waste Tracking Register).
RENTRI started on 15 December 2024. Waste producers with more than 50 employees (counted in total, regardless of different local units) must register in the system by 13 February 2025. From this date, they must also follow all other RENTRI system obligations in addition to their general waste traceability duties.
From 13 February 2025, new models of loading and unloading registers and the FIR (Waste Identification Form) must be used.
The implementing legislation (including Ministerial Decree No. 59/2023, Directorial Decree No. 97/2023, No. 143/2023, No. 251 of 19 December 2023, and Directorial Decrees adopted on 12 December 2024) includes the following additional waste traceability obligations:
What Bird & Bird can do for you regarding waste traceability in the Italian Regulatory Framework:
Please contact our dedicated experts to receive more information or clarification about the new duties for companies related to the Italian waste traceability regulatory framework.