Bird & Bird AdvokatpartnerselskabBy Metro
Take M4 to Orientkaj Metro Station. Walk along Alexandriagade, continue straight at the traffic lights, and follow Sundkrogen for approximately 100 meters. Turn right onto Kalkbrænderiløbskaj and continue for about 100 meters along the quay.
Bird & Bird’s main entrance is on the right-hand side.
Driving Directions and Guest Parking
If you’re arriving by car, follow Sundkrogsgade and turn left onto Sundkrogen, then right onto Kalkbrænderiløbskaj (along the quay), and then right onto Stubbeløbsgade. You can park for free in the blue parking zones by registering your license plate in the reception.
If you’re arriving as a client or guest, please call reception at +45 72 24 12 12.